Friday 4 July 2014

28mm Franco - Prussin War

We have been very quiet lately due to various things going on, the plans are still in progress for development on the range, however, we will not be doing any more sculpts until the end of August 2014 - there after, we will be back in full swing.

Friday 25 April 2014

28mm Game at the Exeter Show May1st

we are running a FPW game at the Exeter show, using Fire and Fury rules - will mostly be infantry, but we are trying out the rules, plus will have a couple of buildings on show as well.

I will post some pictures of the game afterwards.

28mm FPW Brunswick

After we have done the cavalryman for the Bavarians, we will start on a small Brunswick force, probably only one pack of infantry and command

28mm French Cavalry FPW

Found a slight problem with the cavalry, tricky fitting the arms on, received some feedback regarding this as well - so I am going to get them remolded with the arms attached, one on the shoulder, one charging, one in the air.

We also have our first 4 Austrians done for the 1859 war, and are getting our first Bavarian cavalry done.

As a side line, here is a picture of one of the French cavalry that someone painted up, plus two steam punk woman - as a side line

Tuesday 8 April 2014

28mm FPW - Austrians 1859

We have had a slight deviation from our French and Prussians, with our first pack for the Austrians in 1859 - this will be followed by command and cavalry. We can use our French for this conflict as well, we have also just done a standard bearer for some Prussians, as well as a Prussian in greatcoat, with cap and also helmet.
We will be continuing with our releases after the Exeter show in May.

We have also got a small selection of MDF buildings in 28mm for this period as well - there are unpainted, and consist of a three story house, and brick barn and a dormer house - I will post some pictures this week

Monday 17 March 2014

28mm FPW Update

Been very bust recently, and gone slightly off track. We are just waiting for the castings to come back for the Bavarian Standard Bearer and the standard for the French Cuirassiers, we have also started our Prussians with a Prussian standing firing in a greatcoat, and slightly off the beaten track, an Austrian for the 1859 campaign.
Once they are back, I will post the pictures, we also have a small selection of (unpainted) MDF buildings for this period, at present it stands at 6 buildings, again, I will post some pictures this week.

We are busy painting up units for our game at the Exeter show in May, after this show, we will go back to expanding our range:

We are still looking at getting a small selection of Brunswick and Cavalry for the Bavarians done b

Saturday 15 February 2014

28mm Franco-Prussian next figures

Although we need to get head conversions done for the Zoauves, and another basic pack for the Line, Guard and Zouaves - this is basically a few conversions, we are going to get our first Brunswicks started and also a lancer for the Bavarians.
Alongside this, we are going to complete our second pack of Bavarian infantry, this will then give us 8 foot and 3 command figures.