Sunday 8 December 2013

28mm FPW Guard in bonnet de police

Here are the head swops for the Guard and also two kneeling down chaps

28mm Bavarians and FPW cavalry

we should have the cavalry finished this side of Christmas, as well as the Bavarian Command - we are going to do an extra musician (basically because I want a drummer).

The plan is:

Complete the French cavalry for Dragoons and Cuirassiers
Complete three packs of Bavarians, including command and one pack of light troops
Complete one extra pack for French Line, Guard and Zouave, then look at light troops.
Complete mounted command

This will take us up to Easter - still a long way to go to get the range that I want

28mm French Cavalry for the FPW

This is our first figure for the French cavalry, also a Bavarian command and standard bearers for the guard