Sunday 26 January 2014

28mm FPW Prussians - Kick Starter

Although not so keen on the Kick Starter program, (and having had a half go in the past), it can not be said that it is a good way to produce a range, game that would otherwise take a long time with normal means.
We are continuing with our French and Bavarians and will keep on track with the releases already mentioned in previous posts. We have only a couple (literally) of Prussians, only because so many other companies are doing them, but after brain storming with a friend, only yesterday, toyed with the idea of trying to finance a Prussian range which would fit with our other figures.
Considerations would be to start small, producing a command and line pack, with stretch goals for light, cavalry, artillery and allies.
We would also like to make sure that those that pledge, receive their fair share of free and discounted packs as well

Any ideas or comments would be appreciated

Tuesday 21 January 2014

28mm FPW range for the future

For the next 6 months, we will be concentrating on the following releases:

- New infantry pack and standard bearer for the Bavarians
- Lancers for the Bavarians
- Dragoons for the French
- Mounted command for both the Bavarians and French
- Extra infantry pack for the Guard, Zoauves, Line

If there is anything anyone would like to see produced, then please email me

28mm FPW game, PAW and Exeter

we are putting on a small FPW demo game at PAW in Plymouth in February, this is just to show off some of our current range, this is a pre-run for a larger game at the Exeter show in May. I will post some photos of the show in the middle of Feb.
I am presently painting up a number of units for this, the rules we are going to use are a converted Fire and Fury set. These actually work very well.

28mm FPW Cavalry

We have just received our first castings of the French cavalry, just waiting on the standard bearer and musician - once they are painted, I will post some pictures of them