Saturday 15 February 2014

28mm Franco-Prussian next figures

Although we need to get head conversions done for the Zoauves, and another basic pack for the Line, Guard and Zouaves - this is basically a few conversions, we are going to get our first Brunswicks started and also a lancer for the Bavarians.
Alongside this, we are going to complete our second pack of Bavarian infantry, this will then give us 8 foot and 3 command figures.

Friday 14 February 2014

28mm FPW Game for Exeter

We are busy painting units for a large FPW game at the Exeter show in May - the game will consist of 12 French units and 2 cavalry, plus a couple of guns, V 12 Bavarian units, cavalry, plus a couple of guns

28mm FPW Update - Regiment Packs

We are adding to our website the following:

24 man regiment packs, including command:

French Guard
French Line
French Zouave


Each of these will be £28.00

12 figure cavalry packs for £28.00

French Cuirassier (12 figures, command is not completed as yet)

I have also added some photos of units we have done for a game

Tuesday 4 February 2014

28mm - FPW

At present we are having a Bavarian standard bearer done, plus a standard bearer for the cavalry. We are going to run a large demo game at the Exeter show in May, to this affect, we will be releasing Bavarian lancers in the near future.
on our website - - we have some of the packs available, we are in the process of redesigning a website, away from the dark age feel, so please bare with us.
Also, once we have some cavalry and guard in bonnet de police, I will add those to the website. I will also add pictures of he regiments we have painted.