Thursday, 31 October 2013

French cavalry FPW

Just an update, at present we are expanding our Bavarians, head swopping the Guard to bonnet de police and working on the Prussians - alongside this, we will start our first French Cavalry. This should be c]done by the end of November

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Painted Bavarians and Prussian

I am in the process of painting some figures up which I will post on the site over the next couple of days.
I am just in the process of getting a bugle player and kneeling figure for the Bavarians and also a kneeling figure for the Prussian.
Also, standard bearers as officers for the French and head swops for the Guard for bonnet de police.
I am also going to start on the French cavalry- if anyone has any good reference material for the cavalry I would appreciate it.

Thank you

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Franco Prussian War Bavarians and Prussians

Sorry for the delay on posts - we have been quite busy - below are 'greens' of our new Bavarians and Prussians, plus a 'steam punk' lady - only because she was on the same photo.
We are currently doing the command for the Bavarians and will start on our cavalry this month as well