Friday 28 June 2013

so, the figures finally arrived, I will paint some up and put on the blog over the next few days - received the 'greens' back, now will change some of the poses to make into command. This will mean that people can use the figures in units, also, the next 'batch' of figures will be to turn the Guard with bearskins into Guard with bonnet de police and the Turcos into Zouaves, this should then give a good cross section of figures for people.
After Colours - September - we will look into the Prussians, will start with a couple of different poses and command for Prussia and Her allies. Quite an exciting time really:)

Tuesday 25 June 2013

I have now received my casts - if anyone would like a sample, please contact me

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Just an update - posted the 'greens' of al of the figures so far. These have now been sent off to the casters and should be back within the week - hopefully. I will get some painted and put on here by the beginning of July.
I will post out samples if anyone is interested.
The next phase will be to get the command done, then do head swops to turn the Guard into Guard with bonnet de police, and the Turcos into Zouaves - this should all be done by the end of September. After that, we will be looking at producing Prussian, Bavarian and Wurttemberger line and command, then go back to the French to do the Cavalry, then back to the Prussians. The range will take a while to complete.
We are looking at selling the figures at £1.25 each, 4 for £5, or a regiment of 24 for £28 - all will be available through the website, or Colonel Bill at the shows.
If there is anyone reading this that would like to stock any of this or our other ranges, then please just drop us a line.
I will endeavour to put up any new 'greens' and then their painted equivalents.

Saturday 15 June 2013

I have received the 'greens' and will send them off to the casters on Monday, it will probably take just over a week to get the casts back - if anyone would like a sample, please email through the website - - the figures will be available through us for mail order and a few 'local' shows to us, but will also be available through Colonel Bill, who attend most wargame shows in the UK.
If there are any companies in the States or Europe who would like to stock the range, please email me as well.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

I have received my first 10 figures back from the casters, you can see them on my website: - I have written about them on TMP and have received various feedback comments about the range and also about what other figures I could add. Below are the latest figures.
Once they come back from the caster, if anyone would like a sample, just email me and I will pop on in the post.
The next figures I will be doing will be command for the three units, and a couple of others, then I will look at doing some basic Prussian Line.

Sunday 9 June 2013

9th June.

Just an update, the sculptor I am using is Martin baker, he has done quite a bit of my ranges, below are a few of his sculpts:
I believe that he is very good, and captures how I wanted the figures to look.

Saturday 8 June 2013

The complete range of figures will be available through the website:, and also available at all shows from Colonel Bill.
I will aim to get some painted units done as soon as possible - this is a period that I have always been interested in, we use the rule set Fire and Fury for the 15mm Franco-Prussian, and will continue to use this when we play in 28mm.
We find that the rules work very well for this period, and we get some good results - I will start to add battle reports from the various games that we play in this period.

Friday 7 June 2013

Below is a basic breakdown of the figures that we will be producing:

By Colours 2013:

Imperial Guard, both in Bear Skins and also Bonnet De Police
Zouaves and Turcos

The next set of releases will be French cavalry - Cuirassiers, Dragons and Lancers
Added are some more photos - the ones of the Imperial Guard are slightly wrong as they depict swords, but this is being taken off - I will post some more photos next week

New figure range

We are looking at developing our ranges, and going into a new period - we have always linked the Franco-Prussian War, and are looking into producing figures for this period, in 28mm. Below are some photos of the new greens