Tuesday 18 June 2013

Just an update - posted the 'greens' of al of the figures so far. These have now been sent off to the casters and should be back within the week - hopefully. I will get some painted and put on here by the beginning of July.
I will post out samples if anyone is interested.
The next phase will be to get the command done, then do head swops to turn the Guard into Guard with bonnet de police, and the Turcos into Zouaves - this should all be done by the end of September. After that, we will be looking at producing Prussian, Bavarian and Wurttemberger line and command, then go back to the French to do the Cavalry, then back to the Prussians. The range will take a while to complete.
We are looking at selling the figures at £1.25 each, 4 for £5, or a regiment of 24 for £28 - all will be available through the website, or Colonel Bill at the shows.
If there is anyone reading this that would like to stock any of this or our other ranges, then please just drop us a line.
I will endeavour to put up any new 'greens' and then their painted equivalents.

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